Q & A

What size organization can benefit?
Small, medium and large. Often small and medium size companies pay a premium for transportation services because of low freight volumes and the absence of a Senior Management level logistics professional.

How long does it take to complete the review?
Generally the review is completed within 1-2 weeks. Large companies with greater transportation complexities can take several weeks.

What is the range of savings to be expected?

What if there are no savings available?
If the review does not present savings there are no obligations whatsoever

What if I am interested in utilizing services on a consultation basis only?
We can review the requirement to see how we can assist.

Does the program work if I am starting a new business?
Yes, and depending on where the company is in its stage of development, assistance can be provided on a direct consulting basis.

How are savings qualified & calculated?
Invoices from selected Carrier & Freight Forwarders are reviewed at a tariff and or transactional level.

When is G. Charles Taylor & Associates compensated?
Payment is due upon presentation of the monthly Carrier/Forwarder invoices post audit.

Will my carrier relationships be adversely affected?
Absolutely not. Negotiations are conducted with the highest level of professional conduct & decorum.